Editor’s Note

res ipsa locquitur

Origin: Latin, literally ‘the matter speaks for itself’.

Ireland’s history is only unique from that of other nations wherein the rights of man and freedoms where trampled in that it required the people c. 800 years to lift the yoke of the despots. We now declare and believe t hat democracy has been achieved. This belief is supported by the establishment of a constitution , free elections for the members of the legislature to make law, and courts to adjudicate disputes.

In theory democracy mandates that each of the elements perform in the initial and final acts in adherence to and be consistent with the constitution. The obvious question arises what if the initial and final acts are not executed in accordance with the written text of the constitution? The courts are granted the authority to give relief from all and any transgressions. What if the latter fails?

The material presented in coming posts will require application of ‘the matter speaks for itself’.